Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

The first primal pattern is being guarded by Guardian Pyralos in Kel Ulgar in Wilderrun. Defeat Guardian Pyralos and collect the primal pattern it holds.
- Defeat Guardian Pyralos on top of the tower in
Kel Ulgar in Wilderrun - Collect the Primal Pattern
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wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
0Synil wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Make sure to grab that Primal Pattern after you kill him. Green floating orb thingie!
0Syncness wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Okay, here's how it's really meant to be done. You can even solo this and carry people that cannot avoid red balls. There are 6 canisters and when you pop each you are given time to do 1/6th of the fire dude's health. However, there are annoying fire shits that spin around the platform. The first canister, you can pop with the fire aoe going around because you'll just have enough time. The safest way to do this is to run around in circles in the inner lower platform until he spurs fire in a cone then activate the canister, jumping to the canister from the lower platform with your back facing the fire dude. Bring all your defensive/healing skills, one dps skill is enough, actual dps is not required. I highly recommend starting from the most "outside" canisters in case you do get knocked off.
0Synil wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Additional Notes: To avoid fire damage when inside inner circle just mount up on any hoverboard -> Activate fight and stay in inner circle -> Do what Syncness stated above -> Once DPS is dealt immediately mount back on your hoverboard -> Rinse and repeat.
0Redgalaxie wrote 11 years ago (in launch)This can be solo'd, if you're careful about it. Try to be as tanky, or healery, as possible for survivability. When he appears, he will be surrounded by 6 water containers. You need to hold 'F' on the tank for about 10 seconds without being hit. He has a couple of attacks to look out for, including a spin fire move, and a straight fire move. Also watch out for the orbs (they blow you up). I find the best way to do this is to wait until after the spin phase, and hit the water barrels when he is focusing one area. After you click the barrel, he will drop down. This is when you strike him. He will lose 1/6th of his life bar (no more). When he pops back up, jump back to the water barrels, and watch out for spin phase. Rinse and repeat until he dies. It may take a try or two, but once you get the hang of it, its doable.
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