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Displaying 736 of 736 contract rewards

Showing 1 to 50 of 736 entries
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 Remarkable Haruspex's Picoridium Moccasins Light Armor Feet PVE PVE 3 The Dominion The Exiles 1 3000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item bag 002.36 Overflowing Pouch of Promissory Notes Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 3 The Dominion The Exiles 1 3000 points
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 Remarkable Haruspex's Turbotrace Moccasins Light Armor Feet PVE PVE 3 The Dominion The Exiles 1 3000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 05.36 Fallen Physician's Ruthless Ward ItemCategory-7 Shields PVP PVP 1 The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item bag 002.36 Pouch of Promissory Notes Loot Bag n/a PVP PVP 1 The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemweapon resonator 03.36 Exceptional Inoculator's Advanced Force Disruptors Weapon - Paddles Primary Weapon PVE PVE 2 The Dominion The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemweapon resonator 03.36 Exceptional Inoculator's Radiant Force Disruptors Weapon - Paddles Primary Weapon PVE PVE 2 The Dominion The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 02.36 Exceptional Haruspex's Galactipolymer Shroud Light Armor Shoulder PVE PVE 2 The Dominion The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 Chest of Crafting Vouchers Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 2 The Dominion The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemarmor medium armor helm 02.36 Fallen Vexillari's Phasing Gaze Medium Armor Head PVP PVP 2 The Dominion 1 2000 points
Icon itemarmor heavy armor shoulders 02.36 Remarkable Barbarian's Thetaclastic Burden Heavy Armor Shoulder PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemarmor heavy armor gloves 03.36 Fallen Centurion's Assailing Hand Grips Heavy Armor Hands PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemweapon pistol 03.36 Remarkable Warlock's Servofiber Revolvers Weapon - Pistols Primary Weapon PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 05.36 Fallen Compulsor's Afflicting Assist Module ItemCategory-7 ItemSlot-7 PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 Fallen Compulsor's Afflicting Raiment Light Armor Chest PVP PVP 2 The Dominion 1 2000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 01.36 Exceptional Warlock's Manapolymer Bastion ItemCategory-7 Shields PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon skillmisc ui m slvo.36 Fallen Immunari's Restorative Essence ItemCategory-7 Augment PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 01.36 Exceptional Inoculator's Eldanweave Shield ItemCategory-7 Shields PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item bag 002.36 Pouch of Promissory Notes Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 01.36 Exceptional Technomancer's Omniplate Shield Generator ItemCategory-7 Shields PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 05.36 Exceptional Inoculator's Celestigroove Shield ItemCategory-7 Shields PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemarmor medium armor shoulders 03.36 Remarkable Inoculator's Alphastreak Shell Medium Armor Shoulder PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemmisc bag 02.36 Overflowing Satchel of Rune Management Loot Bag n/a PVP PVP 2 The Dominion 1 2000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 Overflowing Chest of Crafting Vouchers Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemarmor heavy armor pants 04.36 Exceptional Barbarian's Dynatrace Overpants Heavy Armor Legs PVE PVE 2 The Dominion The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 Chest of Crafting Vouchers Loot Bag n/a PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 05.36 Exceptional Technomancer's Dynathread Shield Generator ItemCategory-7 Shields PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc bag 10slot.36 Overflowing Runic Rucksack Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemarmor medium armor pants 03.36 Fallen Physician's Ruthless Flexipants Medium Armor Legs PVP PVP 2 The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemarmor medium armor pants 03.36 Fallen Physician's Restorative Flexipants Medium Armor Legs PVP PVP 2 The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemmisc shields 05.36 Remarkable Inoculator's Lexiwave Energy Absorber ItemCategory-7 Shields PVE PVE 3 The Dominion The Exiles 1 3000 points
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 01.36 Remarkable Haruspex's Picoridium Miter Light Armor Head PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemmisc support system 01.36 Exceptional Haruspex's Galactipolymer Recombinator ItemCategory-7 ItemSlot-8 PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 Magnificent Assault Casque Loot Bag n/a PVP PVP 3 The Dominion The Exiles 1 3000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 Magnificent Support Casque Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 5 The Dominion The Exiles 1 5000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item bag 002.36 Overflowing Pouch of Promissory Notes Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemmisc support system 04.36 Exceptional Barbarian's Dynatrace Supplement ItemCategory-7 ItemSlot-8 PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc bag 10slot.36 Runic Rucksack Loot Bag n/a PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item bag 002.36 Pouch of Promissory Notes Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc support system 03.36 Fallen Compulsor's Meditative Intensifier ItemCategory-7 ItemSlot-8 PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemarmor medium armor shoulders 03.36 Exceptional Pursuant's Xenomagnetic Spaulders Medium Armor Shoulder PVE PVE 2 The Dominion The Exiles 1 2000 points
Icon itemweapon 2h sword 01.36 Fallen Centurion's Assailing Gravblade Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon PVP PVP 2 The Dominion 1 2000 points
Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 Overflowing Chest of Crafting Vouchers Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemmisc support system 02.36 Exceptional Pursuant's Omnipolymer Buffer ItemCategory-7 ItemSlot-8 PVE PVE 1 The Dominion The Exiles 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc bag 10slot.36 Overflowing Runic Rucksack Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 3 The Dominion The Exiles 1 3000 points
Icon skillmisc ui m slvo.36 Fallen Decurion's Bombarding Inducer ItemCategory-7 Augment PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc bag 02.36 Satchel of Rune Management Loot Bag n/a PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon itemmisc bag 10slot.36 Overflowing Runic Rucksack Loot Bag n/a PVE PVE 4 The Dominion The Exiles 1 4000 points
Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 05.36 Fallen Imperator's Fusillade Assist Module ItemCategory-7 ItemSlot-7 PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Icon skillmisc ui m slvo.36 Fallen Immunari's Ruthless Essence ItemCategory-7 Augment PVP PVP 1 The Dominion 1 1000 points
Showing 1 to 50 of 736 entries