Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

You obtained the first primal pattern! However, the Royal Collegium will need time to study the pattern and figure out where to look for the next one. In the meantime, Chancellor Juro Takigurian suggested you gain Beloved reputation status with the Dominion.
- Gain Beloved reputation status with the Dominion
- Speak with Executive Assistant Kunio in the
Enigma Chamber in Illium
- NPCs involved (2)
- Other quests in category (191)
- Other quests in episode (250+)
- Comments (1)
- Screenshots (0)
Name | Level | Zone | React | Objective |
Executive Assistant Kunio | Illium | D |
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Executive Assistant Kunio | Enigma Chamber | D |
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wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
0Spazzer wrote 11 years ago (in launch)The challenges can be done every 30 min thus you can have a max potential of 9000 rep an hour. 1) Capital Trash - collect litter in area around Fate's Landing - Elder Gem vendor or central area in the water ring works best for me. Collect a piece of litter to start challenge for first time. 2) The Slank in the Landing - kill slank critters around Fate's Landing. I found running around the northern outer ring road to be best for this (can hit slanks through fences to hit those in the building garden areas). Kill a slank to start challenge for first time. 3) Help Wanted (-2944, -934) - collect bottles for the bartender in the Officer's bar + return them to him. Talk to barman at location given to start for first time. 4) Experiment Escapees (-3395, -458) - use quest item on the various critters running about. Need to target them first and get close. They will respawn if you do circuits of an area but are also pretty spread out (as far as the crafting areas at least). Click on the Collegium Creature Catcher item at the location given to start challenge for the first time. 5) Shipside Delivery (-3556, -830) - Click on the Delivery Plans at location listed to start for first time. After that can start anywhere in Spaceport Alpha - I like to start near the spaceship platforms as you have 2 spawn locations next to you then for your first pickup. You need to pickup the items 1 at a time and deliver them to the red lit circles by following the green chevrons. Items to pick up are marked by a blue light beam projecting into the sky which makes it easier to spot them at a distance. Make sure you have upgraded your mount skill from Velocitus (-3417, -810) to make it easier to get gold (1 plat upgrade is the highest). All delivery locations can spawn the items to pickup as well so once you learn the areas it's easier to look for your next pickup. Source: Wildstar Forums: Link
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