Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

The XAS has located the next primal pattern, but unfortunately it's on the enemy arkship. However, the Black Hoods have managed to gain access to the Destiny. Avra Darkos is waiting by a teleporter in the Secret Ops Center and will give you further instructions once you're on the enemy arkship.
- Enter the teleporter in the
Secret Ops Center to travel to the Destiny - Extract the Primal Pattern from the Infused Datacube
- Collect the Primal Pattern
wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
0Revan wrote 10 years ago (in Drop 5)Exile chain: Alpha: 1,3 Beta: 4,3 Delta: 1,3,2 Kappa: 1,3
0River wrote 10 years ago (in Drop 5)confirmed!
0Oxidizer wrote 11 years ago (in launch)So to unlock each of the force fields, you need to use the consoles in a certain pattern. They are numbered 1-4 from left to right. Unfortunately I don't know what Beta's is. If anyone knows, post it! Alpha- 4, 3 Beta-??? Delta- 4, 1, 3 Kappa- 1, 2
0Rawr wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Alpha (4, 3) Beta (1, 4) Delta (4,1,3) Kappa (1,2)
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