Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Jabbithole ChangeLog
0.5.0 - Reloaded Beta
- Reworked (hopefully) everything to support the changes introduced by WildStar Reloaded.
- Historical item drops and vendor inventories.
- A slight change in the look.
- Addon: minor fixes.
- Addon: the Jabbithole addon is now ready for WildStar Reloaded! Please update your installation.
- Imported the last pre-Reloaded batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Some rune tooltip fixes.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Separate loot tables are now available for certain WildStar patches (Drop 5, Drop 4, and all times). Look for the drop-down list above the loot tables to switch between Drops.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Reddit AMA session request: You can now upload the collected data directly via JH. Check out the "upload data" tab on your account profile page!
- Reddit AMA session request: The endgame loot list now should exclude pre-Drop4 loot and the current raid legendaries are back. (Drop chances lists still show the old drops too, working on it.)
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Item power has been removed and replaced with effective level in all lists and tooltips where it's applicable.
- Fixed an endgame loot list sorting issue.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Contract rewards: now comes with filters.
- Endgame loot tables now only include PVE contract rewards.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Added support for token based currencies (exchange items).
- Added dedicated pages for Contracts and Contract rewards.
- Quests: added filters for breadcrumbs and repeat periods.
- NPCs: added filter for contract targets.
- Items: added filter for contract rewards.
- Loot list: removed the old Elder Gem rewards and the Legendary Datascape drops.
- Loot list: added Glory rewards, Ultimate Protogames drops and Contract rewards.
- Addon: contracts/factions relations fix.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of Drop 4 data. Thank you all!
- Updated with Drop 5 game data.
- Innate abilities now properly display the spell formulae.
- Added a dedicated Vanity pets page.
- Added a dedicated Mounts page.
- Added a dedicated Flairs page.
- Added item filters for pet, mount and flair unlocks.
- Addon: updated to API level 10.
- Addon: added support for collecting Contracts.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Item tooltips and lists now display effective item levels. Thanks Sickie!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- LAS AMPs are now working properly in Firefox and Internet Explorer as well. Thanks Coronus!
- Item chat links should be working again. Thanks Tsulong!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Updated to the patch of 03/03.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Updated to the latest drop, The Protogames Initiative.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Fixed the dyes details to properly display the uploaded screenshots.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- A few internal optimizations.
- Happy New Year Cupcakes!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Minor tooltip fixes.
- Minor compat item url fixes.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- A few obscure zones were missing, found and fixed them.
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Imported the latest batch of uploaded data. Thank you all!
- Request: Costume dyes have been added and connected with their item counterparts.
- Added a safety check to prevent duplicate comments.
- Fixed some additional issues with handling some of the old item URLs.
- Fixed faction reward matching (some prereqs were not parsed properly).
- Added live timestamps to comments.
- Item compat URL hotfix.
- Imported the last batch of pre Drop 3 data from 400+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Updated to Drop 3 (items, schematics, zones, classes, spells, LAS, etc).
- Item instances have been removed, everything now refers to base items, including old item links. A more slim version of item instances will come back with the upcoming Cupcake Index.
- Addon: Updated to Drop 3.
- Addon: Learning dyes is now saved as well.
- Addon: The upload reminder will remain silent for 22 hours once acknowledged.
- Client: Fire and forget! The JH client can now be run in the backround, automatically keeping your addon version up-to-date and uploading your collected data when you are not playing WildStar.
- Imported an another batch of data from 300+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Imported an another batch of data from 300+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Request: base items with rune slots now display rune budget values (example). For some items this information is not available, in this case the values are guessed using similar items. If there are no similar items the values are approximated using the power value of the items (mostly accurate). Guessed rune budget values are displayed like ~X instead of +X.
- Various minor fixes.
- Imported an another batch of data from 300+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Imported an another batch of data from 300+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Imported an another batch of data from 400+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Imported an another batch of data from 400+ uploads. Thank you all!
- A Zones tab has been added to the Recent data page.
- Request: secondary attributes have been added to the attribute filter for items.
- Request: when searching for armors or a specific armor category the item's armor value is displayed in the grid.
- When searching for weapons or a specific weapon category the item's AP/SP values are displayed in the grid.
- Added an AP>SP filter to items.
- Imported an another batch of data from 500+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Imported an another batch of data from 700+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Items bought with Elder Gems have been added to the endgame loot list.
- Imported an another batch of data from 800+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Quest lists now show item and reputation rewards instead of sources.
- Imported an another batch of data from 1200+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Imported an another batch of data from 1500+ uploads. Thank you all!
- The items list now displays base items only to make searching for items more manageable. Item instances are still available on the sibling items tab where applicable.
- Imported an another batch of data from 1500+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Fixed the issues with datacubes and re-imported each and every one of them from day 1.
- Added unlock counts and cover images to Tales episodes (Chronicles).
- Fixed some badly parsed titles.
- Imported an another batch of data from 1800+ uploads. Thank you all!
- The client app has been modified to warn you if the data file is locked by an another process blocking its removal.
- The client app now displays your client ID that can be added to your account.
- Guardians of the Grove reward items has been added to the endgame loot list.
- Updated class ability tooltips to the latest.
- Imported an another batch of data from 2000+ uploads. Thank you all!
- More internal optimizations.
- Fixed an issue with the npcs list not being properly filtered.
- Level 50 faction reward items are added to the endgame loot list.
- Classes with multiple innates now properly display all of the available innate abilities.
- Updated class ability tooltips to the latest.
- Added chat links to items and quests.
- The endgame loot list has been enhanced with filters.
- Imported an another batch of data from 2000+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Items with varying base level now display a base level range.
- Item siblings are now hidden by default, available on demand.
- Item siblings are removed from schematics.
- Salvaging details are now enabled for schematics too.
- The vertical offset issues of the dropdown menu have been fixed.
- Added item power level to tooltips.
- A compiled list of endgame loot is now available.
- Imported an another batch of data from 2000+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Updated missing path mission and episode locations where applicable.
- Updated missing public event locations where applicable.
- Added a filter to items to search for items with a source schematic having inductor/capacitor/resistor slots.
- Fixed an issue when searching for a quest name with comma could cause an error.
- Added efficiency numbers to schematic slots.
- Addon hotfix: fixing an obscure issue that might prevent WildStar from saving the collected data.
- Addon update: we have a window now, type /jh or select Jabbithole from the interfaces menu.
- Addon update: Jabbithole now warns you when you might consider uploading the collected data (can be switched off).
- Imported an another batch of data from 2000+ uploads. Thank you all!
- POI icons and labels have been added to maps. Who does not like fancy maps?
- Ability Tier Point Unlock and AMP Power Upgrade requirements have been added to the LAS builder.
- Hotfix: Zone filter for path missions now works again.
- Hotfix: The item "drops in zone/territory" filter now displays base items.
- Imported an another batch of data from 4200+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Yes, Rest in Piecemaker is here.
- Screenshots and posts are now shared between the various item variants.
- Screenshots are now shared between schematics and their crafted items.
- Added a page to show all the recent additions to the database.
- Added a filter to items to select between base and variant items.
- Item drops/containers/salvages have been merged to show base items instead of the vast amount of variants.
- Item drop/container/salvage lists have been limited to the most relevant 250 items (there were tabs with 8k items, that was a bit too much)
- Items with random properties are now connected with the microchip and circuit items that provide the actual random stats.
- The "used by items" tab of spells now display the base items, not the variants.
- Rune set rune tooltips now display set details and are linked to the respective spells.
- Added an items tab to rune set bonus spells with the list of all runes providing that bonus.
- Added a filter to spells to enable searching for rune set bonuses.
- Added an option to filter schematics by the required level of the crafted item.
- Added a level column to schematic lists.
- Added filters to schematics for capacitor/inductor/resistor and locked/random attribute/special slots.
- Item variants are now linked to their base items.
- Base crafted item tooltips now display the available random and custom circuits, color coded.
- Schematics now include circuit board details with random attribute/special chances.
- Added a tab with spells to items listing the available random specials.
- Added tabs to random special spells to display the circuits, microchips and items the spell is used by.
- Added a filter to spells to search for random specials.
- Added filters to items to seach for microchips/circuits providing locked/random properties in schematics.
- Added "Locked in", "Provides random in", "Can be random in" tabs to microchip/circuit items to list the related schematics.
- Added "Locked in", "Random in" tabs to spells to list the related schematics.
- Added compatibility urls to items, so you can link to JH items with machine generated urls simply like /items/47854 (please note that this only works for base items).
- Added a "drops in zone/territory" filter to items, like Cooking recipes in Wilderrun. Territory search can be used to search for items dropped in Adventures/Dungeons with more that one zone. Please note that this filter does not yet utilizes the merged item variant loot tables.
- Purged some NPCs from the database that were never meant to be included.
- Lots of performance improvements, hopefully working as intended. ;)
- Addon update: added saving of achievements, rune sets and item microchips/circuits.
- Imported an another batch of data from 3000+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Tuned spell formula parsing a bit to fix Medic's Discharge.
- Pressing enter in the name field now submits the filter form.
- Updated external tooltips for better compatibility with some Wordpress themes.
- Added screenshots to achievements too.
- Housing decors import had issues, fixed it and reimported decors from last week too: 500+ new decors!
- Manually fixed some adventure and dungeon zones where zone type autodetection was not working properly.
- Imported an another batch of data from 2500+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Item container and salvaging relations now display chances as well.
- You can now edit your existing posts.
- You can now delete your own screenshots if you need to.
- Added formatting options to posts. Please note that external links are disabled at this moment.
- All your posts and screenshots are displayed on your account page (click your username after logging in at the top).
- Site messages are moved to the top.
- Added a top bar to reduce clutter on the menu bar.
- Added a login link to the home page.
- Better upload feedback in the JS client app.
- Tooltips for class abilities now display the spell's formulas instead of arbitrary numbers.
- Cleaned up npc locations, they were getting a bit out of hand.
- Purged player scanbots from npcs.
- Purged npcs that were actually loot drops, except the ones with screenshots.
- Imported an another batch of data from 1100+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Added item IDs to the item details.
- Imported an another batch of data from 1000+ uploads. Thank you all!
- Added drop chance display to the item details too.
- Comment voting shall work again.
- The item sell price issue is fixed, values shall fix themselves after new imports.
- The missing tradeskill requirements for items are fixed, data will be populated again after new imports.
- Housing features are here!
- Path title rewards are now properly linked for both factions.
- Spells look great: added screenshots to spells.
- External tooltip support for white backgrounds, support for preloading link replacements.
- Imported all the data submitted during head start. Thank you all!
- User screenshots now allow PNGs to be uploaded and the size limit has been increased to 4MB.
- Fixed the rune slot images for external tooltips.
- Imported the last batch of data gathered during Ops-Week. Thank you all!
- Added an artificial zone to host sub-zones without a valid in-game zone.
- Item imbuement ordering fixes and support for imbuement attribute bonuses.
- The Limited Ability Set builder is now available.
- AMP items are added to class pages.
- Quest faction reputation rewards are now linked to the respective known factions.
- Added quests to factions that increase reputation with them.
- The ugly tradeskill tech trees are now less ugly.
- Fixed a quest filter issue that could throw an internal server error.
- Item filters: filter items having an ability.
- Embeddable/native tooltip optimizations.
- Column sorting fixes (drop chances, class/path ability levels).
- Commenting fixes.
- Added support for spells sold by vendors.
- Added item category, family and slot filters to schematics.
- Split tradeskill tech tree by faction (where data is available).
- Added screenshot uploads to challenges, npcs, datacubes, items, path missions, classes, paths, public events, quests, titles and zones.
- Voting on comments is live.
- Added support for spells sold by vendors.
- Embeddable tooltips for third-party websites.
- Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements.
- Revamped the items subsystem completely to properly support item instances. See the "sibling items" tab where available for known variations of an item.
- The second, large batch of community provided dumps has been imported, with a lot of Dominion related and some veteran mode data. Thank you all!
- Added boss encounters to dungeon zones (where data is available).
- Veteran mode NPCs can now be searched for.
- Veteran mode improvements.
- Data import improvements to reduce downtime.
- The first batch of community provided dumps has been imported. Thank you all!
- Added vendor prices to the items list on vendor NPC pages.
- Added drop chance percents to NPCs with items dropped.
- Public event, path episode and path mission zone fixes (Due to a zone bleeding bug in the addon some game objects are duplicated in an incorrect zone, these will eventually expire from the database over time).
- A lot of small fixes.
- Added support for adventures and adventure rewards (see the zone for the rewards).
- Added filters to zones (name/territort/is adventure/is dungeon)
- Level up unlocks has been split between the Dominion and the Exiles
- Added faction sides to path missions and episodes
- Public events now handle child/parent relations (adventure events)
- Added missions to adventure public events
0.1.5 and below
- Added user accounts and user comments
- Added innate abilities to classes
- Preliminary support for veteran modes