Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Professor Rhoda Wellspring sent you to Galeras to retrieve the next pattern. Use the Eldan Transformer to transform yourself so you can collect the pieces of the primal pattern.
- Use the Eldan Transformer in
Galeras to transform yourself - Collect all the Partial Patterns in
wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
2Xilrion wrote 11 years ago (in launch)This quest takes some time if you don't know where to look for the patterns. There are 12 patterns total and they always spawn in the same places currently and I have uploaded a screenshot detailing where each spawn. (Sorry for its crudeness I used paint)
0Prax wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Thank you!
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Jabbithole is built from the in-game data collected with a WildStar addon created
specifically for this purpose. You can also install this addon and help building
the database behind Jabbithole.
We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!
We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!