Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!
Shiphand Locker
Effective Level: 44
Required Level: 44
Stack Count: 99
Required Level: 44
Stack Count: 99
Sell for: 52s 27c
Name | Level | Tradeskill | Tier | Materials | XP | Source |
Burnished Treasure Chest | 39 | Architect | 4 | x3 x3 | 0 / 32 / 0 | Tech Tree Achievement |
wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
2a3 wrote (in launch)Tactile Keypad, Tactile Keypad, Platinum Staple.
0Cyclonite wrote (in launch)Worked 5/5 for me. :)
0NerdEsq wrote (in launch)worked 100% for me thanks! :)
0Tridus wrote (in launch)Worked 4/5 times for me.
1DiscoPriest wrote (in launch) , edited (in launch)Platinum Staple Tactile Keypad Tactile Keypad Works about 20% of the time. Creating five is required to unlock the next tier.
0tsuninight wrote (in launch)PS, TK, TK worked by far the best, but Platinum Staple, Tactile Keypad, Small Touchscreen was the other one that worked for me
0Fraxinus wrote (in launch)I got roughly 70% success with Platinum, then some combination or both of touchscreens and extension cords. Just see how far the first staple takes you and assess which of the screens and cords you'll need after.
0DiscoPriest wrote (in launch)Platinum Staple Small Touchscreen Extension Cord also got me there about 20% of the time, if the Staple/Keypad is giving you grief.
0PsychoJohnnyFive wrote (in launch)This worked 5/6 times: Small Touchscreen Extension Cord Platinum Staple (Go with this last)
0Royko wrote (in launch)Platinum --> Touchscreen --> Extension cord Worked most of the time.
0Jaceaguar wrote (in launch)Neither of the other ones seemed to land on it for me after about 6 failed attempts. But in theory I would suggest the Platinum Staple last as it has a bigger landing area. Tactile Keypad is too hard to hit. 7th Attempt - Small Touchscreen x2, Flex Capacitor - Success!
0boxcar wrote (in launch)Small Touchscreen x2, Flex Capacitor worked best for me
0Xichi wrote (in launch)I personally had better luck with Platinum Staple, Tactile Keypad, Tactile Keypad. seemed to land in the center more often for me.
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