Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

The Melting Pot

wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
0Qi wrote 10 years ago (in Drop 3) , edited 10 years ago (in Drop 3)This is by far the easiest and most rewarding expedition as of posting date. In order to get silver, one must place "food" in the pot and fight off the creatures that spawn while stirring the pot to keep it from overheating and stopping skeech from eating the soup before it's done. This sounds more complicated than it is, really. Doing so rewards 500 renown AND a bag of dye AND a decor. The portable planter is by far the most common decor, but you can also get skeech hut and skeech goodie bag (that dangling bag of captured humanoids you see in most skeech settings). In order to get gold, you have to do the above but instead of placing random "food" in the pot, you have to follow the recipes to the letter, not just using the right materials but using them in the right order. There are 9 recipes total scattered around the cave. Getting gold rewards the same as above but you also get a Happy Skeech Meal bag containing a rare quality food and a pink or green skeech plushie. The type of food is determined by which recipe you did. As example, the Skeech Supreme recipe rewards a Skeech Supreme. If you do all 9 you get an achievement and the title "Skeech Chef". PS: Of the possible food rewards, The Skeech is worth drawing attention to.
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