dismiss Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!
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Tier 6
1 sec cooldown
Range 0 m
Create a Repairbot that deals 22.24%AP +22.24%SP +5.52*lvl technology damage to 1 foe and restores 25.61%AP +25.61%SP +6.78*lvl shield to you every 3s. While active, you gain access to Shield Boost.

[Bot Ability] Shield Boost: Command the Repairbot to return to you and restores 23.4%SP +23.4%AP +8.21*lvl shield to 5 allies within 10m every 1s for 4s.

Two bots can be active at one time.
Tier Upgrade: +2.25%AP +2.25%SP damage per tick, +2.6%AP +2.6%SP shield per tick, Shield Boost: +1.74%AP +1.74%SP shield

Tier 4 Major Upgrade: Grant yourself and Repairbot increased Shield Mitigation by 15%.

Tier 8 Major Upgrade: Shield Boost grants a Defense: Technology and Magic Damage Taken reduced by 17%.

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