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Displaying 68 of 68 quests

Name Category Min. level Level Side Zone Rewards
An Appetite for Knowledge The Defile 50 50 The Dominion
Adventures in Archaeology The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
Into the Defile The Defile 50 50 The Dominion
If It Doesn't Spoil, Nuke It The Defile 50 50 The Exiles Icon itemmisc shields 05.36 Icon itemmisc shields 01.36 Icon itemmisc shields 02.36 Icon itemmisc shields 04.36 
+220 Champions of the Defile
Into the Defile The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
Collaborative Research The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
Adventures in Archaeology The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
A Gargantuan Task [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +820 Champions of the Defile
Collaborative Research The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
Brawn and Brains The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
Web of Lies The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
An Eight-Legged Heel-Turn The Defile 50 50 The Dominion Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 01.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 03.36 Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 Icon itemarmor heavy armor chest 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 04.36 
+330 Crusaders of the Defile
Other Sentient Species The Defile 50 50 The Dominion
High Readings of Primal Logic The Defile 50 50 The Dominion
The Reason Behind the Experiment The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
The Reason behind the Experiment The Defile 50 50 The Dominion
Logical Security The Defile 50 50 The Dominion
A Gargantuan Task [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
Fallen Stars The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
The Game's Afoot The Defile 50 50 The Dominion Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 03.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 04.36 Icon itemarmor light armor boots 01.36 Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 Icon itemarmor light armor boots 04.36 
+330 Crusaders of the Defile
An Eight-Legged Heel-Turn The Defile 50 50 The Exiles Icon itemarmor heavy armor chest 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 04.36 Icon itemarmor heavy armor chest 01.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 01.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor chest 03.36 
+330 Champions of the Defile
Web of Lies The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
Fallen Stars The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
The Shatterpaw Menace The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
Queenslayer The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
Other Sentient Species The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
An Appetite for Knowledge The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
The Game's Afoot The Defile 50 50 The Exiles Icon itemarmor heavy armor boots 01.36 Icon itemarmor heavy armor boots 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 01.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 03.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor boots 04.36 
+330 Champions of the Defile
Eight Legged Pests The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Ale's Cold in Love and War [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion Icon itemmisc crate of cogs.36 
+720 Crusaders of the Defile
Eight Legged Pests The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
Depleted Shell Game The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Brawn and Brains The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
Every Defiler Has Its Day [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +820 Crusaders of the Defile
A Rose Forgotten The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
Threat Response The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
Every Defiler Has Its Day [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +820 Champions of the Defile
The Defiler's Gambit [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion The Exiles Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 04.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 01.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 05.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 03.36 
+440 Champions of the Defile +440 Crusaders of the Defile
The Form of Terror [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion The Exiles Icon itemarmor heavy armor gloves 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor gloves 01.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor gloves 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor gloves 03.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor gloves 04.36 Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 
+330 Champions of the Defile +330 Crusaders of the Defile
Depleted Shell Game The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
The Enemy of My Enemy The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
Ale's Cold in Love and War [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles Icon itemmisc crate of cogs.36 
+720 Champions of the Defile
The Dark Ascent [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion The Exiles Icon itemweapon claws 04.36 Icon itemweapon resonator 05.36 Icon itemweapon pistol 03.36 Icon itemweapon resonator 03.36 Icon itemweapon psyblade 01.36 Icon itemweapon pistol 04.36 
+330 Champions of the Defile +330 Crusaders of the Defile
Logical Security The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
Threat Response The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Shirts vs. Strains [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
A Gargantuan Task [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +820 Crusaders of the Defile
The Enemy of My Enemy The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
A Gargantuan Task [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +820 Champions of the Defile
The Spider's Gambit The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +220 Champions of the Defile
The Spider's Gambit The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
Queenslayer The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
Siege of the Lightspire [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +920 Crusaders of the Defile
Assemble Your Crew [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
Finders, Keepers The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Shirts vs. Strains [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Prose in Peril The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
The Shatterpaw Menace The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Constructive Criticism The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
High Readings of Primal Logic The Defile 50 50 The Exiles
Siege of the Lightspire [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +920 Champions of the Defile
Assemble Your Crew [GROUP 20+] The Defile 50 50 The Exiles +720 Champions of the Defile
Insane in the Mainframe The Defile 50 50 The Dominion The Exiles Icon itemmisc ui item chest.36 
+720 Champions of the Defile +720 Crusaders of the Defile
Frantic Requisition The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +720 Crusaders of the Defile
A Rose Forgotten The Defile 50 50 The Dominion +220 Crusaders of the Defile
By the Elements Be Purged [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion The Exiles Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 01.36 Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 01.36 Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 03.36 Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 01.36 Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 01.36 Icon itemweapon weapon attachment 04.36 
+330 Champions of the Defile +330 Crusaders of the Defile
If It Doesn't Spoil, Nuke It The Defile 50 50 The Dominion Icon itemmisc shields 02.36 Icon itemmisc shields 05.36 Icon itemmisc shields 04.36 Icon itemmisc shields 01.36 
+220 Crusaders of the Defile
Cleansing the Corruption [GROUP 5+] The Defile 50 50 The Dominion The Exiles Icon itemarmor medium armor pants 01.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor pants 02.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor pants 03.36 Icon itemarmor medium armor pants 04.36 Icon itemarmor light armor pants 01.36 Icon itemarmor light armor pants 02.36 
+330 Champions of the Defile +330 Crusaders of the Defile