Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Haggar's Horrible Heavy Blade
Effective Level: 68
Required Level: 50
Required Level: 50
Bind on pickup
5680 Assault Rating
1893 Support Rating
1893 Support Rating
46 Strikethrough Rating
69 Critical Hit Severity Rating
116 Critical Hit Rating
+ 3 to 4
Rune Slots
69 Critical Hit Severity Rating
116 Critical Hit Rating

IMBUEMENT: Don't Stop Believing
Earn a Gold or Silver medal +34.906005859375 Critical Hit Rating
Earn a Gold or Silver medal +34.906005859375 Critical Hit Rating
Sell for: 3g 64s 14c
Show drops since
wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
0Ionela wrote 11 years ago (in launch) , edited 11 years ago (in launch)While i do agree, its nice to have something to do. Most peoples could however get 1500 rating much quicker than this drop.
0Fabs wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Do not farm this. Chances are you will be able to get fully attuned for raiding, find a raid guild, and get a raid quality sword from raid bosses before you get lucky enough to get this item.
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Jabbithole is built from the in-game data collected with a WildStar addon created
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We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!