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Displaying 74 of 74 schematics

Name Level Tradeskill Tier Materials XP Source
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 05.36 'Epochos' LA-1H Combat Hood 50 Tailor 6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 03.36 'Adventus' LA-2S Smart Cloth Sash 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x7 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x1 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 'Adventus' LA-3C Glamer Cloth Shell 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x10 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 04.36 'Epochos' LA-1L Combat Leg Wraps 50 Tailor 6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 04.36 Fibermod Silk Trousers 20 Tailor 2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc silkcloth.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 02.36 Strain-Retardant Guards 47 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental fusionmajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Strain-Retardant Guards
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 02.36 Thermock Knickers 41 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental firemajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thermock Knickers
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 01.36 Sandthorne Shift Guards 42 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental firemajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Sandthorne Shift Guards
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 03.36 Thermock Hands 40 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental windmajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thermock Hands
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 Thirsty Creek Duster 46 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental lifeeldan.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thirsty Creek Duster
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 02.36 Siegebreaker Boots 31 Tailor 3 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon itemmisc clothscraps.36 x6 Icon skillelemental windgreater.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Siegebreaker Boots
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 02.36 Thirsty Creek Kerchief 46 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental eartheldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thirsty Creek Kerchief
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 01.36 Thermock Bandana 39 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental watermajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thermock Bandana
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 Strain-Retardant Tunic 47 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fusionmajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Strain-Retardant Tunic
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 Torine Walking Boots 14 Tailor 1 Icon skillelemental fire.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc canvascloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Torine Walking Boots
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 03.36 'Epochos' LA-1S Combat Mantle 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 03.36 'Archivos' LA-5L Glamer Cloth Phagepants 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x6 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x9 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x4 Icon tradeskilltech bottleofliquidr.36 x5 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: 'Archivos' LA-5L Glamer Cloth Phagepants
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 'Adventus' LA-2C Smart Cloth Suit 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 03.36 Walatiki Moodie Skirt 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc creature heads on spikes.36 x3 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Walatiki Moodie Skirt
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 02.36 Sandthorne Gloves 42 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental earthmajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Sandthorne Gloves
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 01.36 Strain-Retardant Faulds 48 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon skillelemental fusionmajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Strain-Retardant Faulds
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 02.36 Bloodsworn Assault Jump Grips 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc creature heads on spikes.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Bloodsworn Assault Jump Grips
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 04.36 Strain-Retardant Mask 48 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon skillelemental fusionmajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Strain-Retardant Mask
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 03.36 Thirsty Creek Breeches 46 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fireeldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thirsty Creek Breeches
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 03.36 Sandthorne Leggings 43 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental firemajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Sandthorne Leggings
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 04.36 Siegebreaker Trousers 32 Tailor 3 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon itemmisc clothscraps.36 x7 Icon skillelemental windgreater.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Siegebreaker Trousers
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 Siegebreaker Tunic 32 Tailor 3 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon itemmisc clothscraps.36 x7 Icon skillelemental windgreater.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Siegebreaker Tunic
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 01.36 Strain-Retardant Brogues 48 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fusionmajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Strain-Retardant Brogues
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 'Adventus' LA-2B Smart Cloth Boots 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 Thermock Colors 40 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental watermajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thermock Colors
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 Sandthorne Shift Robes 42 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental earthmajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Sandthorne Shift Robes
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 Fibermod Whim Jacket 34 Tailor 3 Icon itemmisc clothscraps.36 x7 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 Thermock Shoes 40 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental earthmajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Thermock Shoes
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 01.36 TheUrge Smartfunction Manaweave Mantle 42 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x5 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 Sandthorne Shift Steps 43 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental windmajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Sandthorne Shift Steps
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 01.36 Fibermod Starloom Boots 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 Improved Fibermod Starloom Jacket 50 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 01.36 Improved Fibermod Starloom Trousers 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 05.36 'Adventus' LA-3H Smart Cloth Visor 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 01.36 'Adventus' LA-3C Glamer Cloth Shell 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 03.36 'Adventus' LA-2S Smart Cloth Sash 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 03.36 'Adventus' LA-4S Glamer Cloth Color 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 'Epochos' LA-1G Combat Hand Wraps 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 'Adventus' LA-4G Smart Cloth Gages 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 04.36 'Epochos' LA-1L Combat Leg Wraps 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 Strain-Retardant Gloves 47 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x5 Icon skillelemental fusionmajor.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Strain-Retardant Gloves
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 01.36 Doomtide Ascendant Pathers 27 Tailor 3 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon skillelemental watergreater.36 x1 Icon itemmisc clothscraps.36 x5 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Doomtide Ascendant Pathers
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 01.36 Fibermod Starloom Trousers 47 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x5 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 04.36 Fibermod Manaweave Trousers 39 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 02.36 'Epochos' LA-1C Combat Regalia 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 04.36 Improved Fibermod Silk Trousers 23 Tailor 2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc silkcloth.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 02.36 Fibermod Manaweave Hood 43 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 Fibermod Starloom Jacket 48 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 05.36 'Adventus' LA-2H Glamer Cloth Amice 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 'Adventus' LA-2G Glamer Cloth Gloves 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 'Epochos' LA-1B Combat Foot Wraps 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 05.36 'Epochos' LA-1H Combat Hood 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Tech Tree Achievement
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 04.36 Ruinous Biofiber Ribbon 50 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x1 0 / 0 / 0 Pattern: Ruinous Biofiber Ribbon
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 01.36 Bloodsworn Assault Jump Boots 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc creature heads on spikes.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Bloodsworn Assault Jump Boots
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 03.36 Sandthorne Bandana 43 Tailor 4 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc starloom cloth.36 x6 Icon skillelemental windmajor.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Sandthorne Bandana
Icon itemarmor light armor pants 02.36 Doomtide Ascendant Harness 26 Tailor 3 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon skillelemental watergreater.36 x1 Icon itemmisc clothscraps.36 x6 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Doomtide Ascendant Harness
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 02.36 Walatiki Moodie Mask 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc creature heads on spikes.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Walatiki Moodie Mask
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 03.36 'Epochos' LA-1S Combat Mantle 50 Tailor 6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x1 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor medium armor shoulders 02.36 Daggerstone Infiltrator's Collar 49 Tailor 5 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x3 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc creature heads on spikes.36 x3 2160 / 1080 / 270 Pattern: Daggerstone Infiltrator's Collar
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 'Epochos' LA-1B Combat Foot Wraps 50 Tailor 6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 02.36 'Epochos' LA-1C Combat Regalia 50 Tailor 6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 'Epochos' LA-1G Combat Hand Wraps 50 Tailor 6 Icon skillelemental fusioneldan.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor boots 03.36 'Adventus' LA-2B Smart Cloth Boots 50 Tailor 6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 05.36 'Adventus' LA-2H Glamer Cloth Amice 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x1 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x7 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor chest 03.36 'Adventus' LA-2C Smart Cloth Suit 50 Tailor 6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x1 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x7 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 'Adventus' LA-2G Glamer Cloth Gloves 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x7 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor helm 05.36 'Adventus' LA-3H Smart Cloth Visor 50 Tailor 6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x7 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x10 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x2 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor shoulders 03.36 'Adventus' LA-4S Glamer Cloth Color 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc silkcloth.36 x2 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x18 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 2160 / 1080 / 270
Icon itemarmor light armor gloves 01.36 'Adventus' LA-4G Smart Cloth Gages 50 Tailor 6 Icon itemmisc eldaninsignia.36 x18 Icon itemmisc starloom cloth.36 x2 Icon tradeskillmisc manaweavecloth.36 x6 Icon tradeskillmisc tailorschematic.36 x1 Icon itemmisc generic rope 02.36 x4 2160 / 1080 / 270