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Displaying 8 of 8 quests

Name Category Min. level Level Side Zone Rewards
Northern Wastes Assault Northern Wastes 50 50 The Exiles +25 OPERATION: Northern Wastes
Extra Investigations Northern Wastes 50 50 The Dominion Icon itemmisc support system 04.36 Icon itemmisc support system 01.36 Icon itemmisc support system 04.36 
+100 MISSION: Northern Wastes
A Brief Welcome Northern Wastes 50 50 The Dominion +25 MISSION: Northern Wastes
Northern Wastes Offensive Northern Wastes 50 50 The Dominion +25 MISSION: Northern Wastes
Welcome Gifts Northern Wastes 50 50 The Exiles Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 
+100 OPERATION: Northern Wastes
Welcome Gifts Northern Wastes 50 50 The Dominion Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 Icon itemmisc gadget 02.36 
+100 MISSION: Northern Wastes
Extra Investigations Northern Wastes 50 50 The Exiles +100 OPERATION: Northern Wastes
A Brief Welcome Northern Wastes 50 50 The Exiles +25 OPERATION: Northern Wastes