Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

- Fight the third round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the ninth round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the fifth round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Enter the ring and prepare to fight in the Super Brawl!
- Fight the first round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the eighth round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the tenth round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the eleventh round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the final round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the seventh round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the sixth round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the fourth round of Super Brawl opponents!
- Fight the second round of Super Brawl opponents!