Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

- Corruption Timer
- Something
- Reduced Row Echelon - Dispel each matrix on the Infinite Logic Loop within 3 seconds
- Timed Out - Complete this wing of the Datascape before time expires
- Defeat the Hyper-Accelerated Skeledroid
- Defeat the Fully-Optimized Canimid
- Right Essence Health
- Use the control panels to stun the Scaretaker
- Defeat Optimized Memory Probe TX-67
- 75, Sunny, Blue Skies - Defeat the Maelstrom Authority without allowing any Weather Stations to cast Accelerate Weather Cycle
- The Final Showdown - Defeat Avatus without killing any of the Fragmented Data Chunks
- Elemental Discharge Timer
- Defeat the System Daemons guarding the entrance into the Oculus
- Repair the right shattered Essence of Logic
- Deep Impact - Defeat Megalith and Aileron without anyone in the raid dying from falling damage
- Escaping the Crystalline - Defeat Hydroflux and Mnemesis without allowing more than 3 Logic Walls to become Crystallized
- Retrieve the third of the Caretaker's Personality Datacores
- Defeat Warmonger Chuna
- Avatus' Wi-Fi Password is 1234 - Defeat the System Daemons without allowing the Firewall to gain any power.
- Left Essence Health
- Defeat the Bio-Enhanced Broodmother
- Defeat Warmonger Talarii
- Weather Cycle
- Place the datacores in the Caretaker's Memory Core in the Oculus
- Fire Dancer - Defeat Visceralus and Pyrobane with no one in your group taking damage from the Inferno Waves
- Defeat the Augmented Herald of Avatus
- Defy Corruption - Defeat Gloomclaw without allowing it to recorrupt any section of the Corrupted Assembly Corridor that you have cleansed
- Defeat the Elemental Guardians
- Firewall Power
- Dehydration
- Generator Charge
- Kill Keepers of Sands to dispel their mirages and escape the Limbo Infomatrix
- Defy Perspective - Defeat the Hyper-Accelerated Skeledroid, Augmented Herald of Avatus, and the Abstract Augmentation Algorithm before time expires
- Havok in Limbo - Kill at least 9 Infomatrix Antlions and Intestinal Walls, then escape the Limbo Infomatrix
- The Floor Is Lava - Defeat Megalith and Pyrobane without anyone in the raid taking damage from Ragnarok
- Defeat the second Frost-Boulder Avalanche
- Defeat Gloomclaw before it can fully corrupt the Assembly Corridor
- Defeat Grand Warmonger Tar'gresh
- Defeat Optimized Memory Probe ED-1
- Combinatorial Genomics - Defeat Visceralus and Mnemesis without allowing Combinatorial Genomics to continue for more than 40 seconds
- Repair the left shattered Essence of Logic
- Defeat Optimized Memory Probe P2-Z
- Heat Transfer - Defeat Hydroflux and Pyrobane without anyone gaining more than 13 stacks of Engulfed or Drenched
- Defeat Warmonger Agratha
- Install additional vendors and respawn points
- Firewalker - Defeat Grand Warmonger Tar'gresh without taking any damage from Molten Heat
- Corruption Shield Strength
- Defeat Avatus
- Tactical Strike - Defeat the Excessive Force Protocol within the time limit.
- Annihilation Averted - Defeat Visceralus and Aileron after destroying all of the Annihilation Orbs during a single cast of Annihilate
- The Best Defense - Defeat the Unstoppable Object Simulation before 18 Tesla Towers are constructed
- Malware Byter - Escape the Volatility Lattice without any Data Devourers destroying a cube
- Escape Avatus' attention
- Retrieve the first of the Caretaker's Personality Datacores
- Defeat the Logic-Guided Rockslide
- Seismic Stomper - Plug three Fissures within the time limit
- Treading Carefully - Defeat the Mobius Physics Constructor without letting it destroy any platforms
- Defeat the Abstract Augmentation Algorithm
- Cloud Computing - Defeat Megalith and Mnemesis without letting Mnemesis gain more than one stack of Cloud Computing
- Defeat the first Frost-Boulder Avalanche
- Whiteout - Defeat Hydroflux and Aileron before they finish summoning a third Glacial Icestorm.
- Cooldown Sequence
- Defeat the Maelstrom Authority
- Defeat the Frostbringer Warlock
- Power up all of the Eldan Power Generators
- Exit Power
- Retrieve the second of the Caretaker's Personality Datacores
- Cool Running - Defeat a Frost-Boulder Avalanche in under 2 minutes.
- Upload junk data into the Scaretaker's memory banks