Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Explorer Ambrose Bonsall got into a shooting match with a Dominion Explorer near the Nursery, giving as good as he got. Unfortunately he can't continue his mission, so you have to finish it for him.
On complete:
Looks like next time the so-called "Exploration Society" sends someone to take Eldan relics, they're gonna have to do a better job than the Explorers Union.

Cankertube Swamp

The Keeper's Sanctuary

Grove of Hope

The Nursery

Scorchwing's Landing

Nursery Trading Post

Titian Collective

Aurelian Enclave

Uncanny Advance

Perilous Annex

Green Quadrant

Blue Quadrant

Yellow Quadrant

Red Quadrant

Cankertube Swamp

The Keeper's Sanctuary

Grove of Hope

The Nursery

Scorchwing's Landing

Nursery Trading Post

Titian Collective

Aurelian Enclave

Uncanny Advance

Perilous Annex

Green Quadrant

Blue Quadrant

Yellow Quadrant

Red Quadrant