dismiss Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!
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The Ikthian invaders have been mutilating cattle and abducting and "probing" Dominion citizens. Help find out why.

On complete:

Your service during the construction of the De-Probing Center was timely and efficient, Settler.

Lightreach Mission
Research Station Tideborn
Sterling Reach
Darkspire Wilds
Excavation Site Alpha
Stormseeker Village
Vigilant's Stand
Glitterfur Caravan
Lake Larallen
Mistymurk Camp
Calidor's Excavation
Vigilant Heart Outpost
Grimwatch Outpost
Copperworth Village
Sterling Croft
Stormseeker Commune
Bio-Mech Facility 498
Shrine of the Masters
Glintrock Dale
Lightreach Mission
Research Station Tideborn
Sterling Reach
Darkspire Wilds
Excavation Site Alpha
Stormseeker Village
Vigilant's Stand
Glitterfur Caravan
Lake Larallen
Mistymurk Camp
Calidor's Excavation
Vigilant Heart Outpost
Grimwatch Outpost
Copperworth Village
Sterling Croft
Stormseeker Commune
Bio-Mech Facility 498
Shrine of the Masters
Glintrock Dale

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