Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

The Strain are overwhelming the troops! Get combat data off the brave Exile soldiers so the folks in the XAS can produce counters!
On complete:
This information is disturbing. Meet Kit Brinny at the Forward Camp to grab the stopgap measure for this corruption.

Vigilant Incursion

Ethereal Cavity

Radiant Alpha Down

Radiant Beta Down

Radiant Gamma Down

Dawnbringer Outpost

Blighted Pass

Corrupted Installation

The Final Stand

Ghostwind Hollow

Creeping Caverns

Charlie Company Crash Site

Alpha Company Crash Site

Ethereal Hollow

Stonebreaker Post

Bravo Company Crash Site

Corrupted Installation

Blighted Pass

Spineridge Nest

Corrupted Installation Teleporter

Giant Robot

Drusera Statue

Boiling Cauldron

Vigilant Incursion

Ethereal Cavity

Radiant Alpha Down

Radiant Beta Down

Radiant Gamma Down

Dawnbringer Outpost

Blighted Pass

Corrupted Installation

The Final Stand

Ghostwind Hollow

Creeping Caverns

Charlie Company Crash Site

Alpha Company Crash Site

Ethereal Hollow

Stonebreaker Post

Bravo Company Crash Site

Corrupted Installation

Blighted Pass

Spineridge Nest

Corrupted Installation Teleporter

Giant Robot

Drusera Statue

Boiling Cauldron