Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Off-the-scale energy readings are inhibiting attempts to map The Defile from orbit. The only way to get the map data is to acquire it on the ground.
On complete:
Now we know why the energy readings were so intense! Whatever the Eldan were trying to do here, the Strain has definitely overrun their works.

Research Station X-22

Promenade of Ruin

Inspiration Point

Exanite Resonance Tower

The Black Focus

Terrorformer of Depravity

Terrorformer of Desolation

Terrorformer of Decay

Tainted Gardens

The Lightspire

Havoc's Threshold

Cradle of Archfiends

Black Ultimatum

The Dreadwatcher's Helm

Final Light

Hope's Dare

Research Station X-22

Promenade of Ruin

Inspiration Point

Exanite Resonance Tower

The Black Focus

Terrorformer of Depravity

Terrorformer of Desolation

Terrorformer of Decay

Tainted Gardens

The Lightspire

Havoc's Threshold

Cradle of Archfiends

Black Ultimatum

The Dreadwatcher's Helm

Final Light

Hope's Dare