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Displaying 250 of 1262 items (narrow down your results with the filters above)

Showing 1 to 50 of 250 entries
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Deprecate Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 30 29
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Savage Roar Special Greatsword 4176 1392 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 50
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Haggar's Horrible Hammerblade 3591 1197 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 41 43 Drop Vendor Container
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Unclean Carver 1670 556 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 19-20 20 Quest
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Artemis Zin's Gravblade 1085 361 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 13 13 Quest
Icon itemweapon 2h sword 01.36 ArctArms Deathbringer's Broadsword 4176 1392 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 50 Vendor
Icon itemweapon 2h sword 01.36 Protoplated Freelancer's Battle Sword 4176 1392 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 50 Vendor
Icon itemweapon tech knife 02.36 Insulated Battleblade 2227 6682 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 80 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Able Mechanic Power Sword 2923 974 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 30 35 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0003.36 Crystallized Polyweave Cleaver Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 48 48 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Decorated Magnitronic Powersword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 51 Drop Salvage Container
Icon itemweaponpistol ui item pistol 001.36 Deprecate 361 1085 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 12 13
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Polarized Great Steel Sword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 18 18 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Blood-Stained Crimson Cleaver 1754 584 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 19 21
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 ArctArms Lead Weighted Sword 1336 445 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 16 16
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0003.36 Crystallized Nebulous Cleaver Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 48 48 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Annihilator's Augmented Sword 835 278 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 10 10 Quest
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 DEPRECATE Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 18 18
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Augmented Claymore 1002 334 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 10-12 12 Quest
Icon itemweapon 2h sword 01.36 'Adventus' CW-2 GRS Fleetblade Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 50 Weaponsmith
Icon itemweapon tech knife 02.36 'Adventus' CW-3 GRS Icy Gravblade Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 50 50 Salvage Weaponsmith
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Blade of the Spider Queen 918 306 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 9-11 11 Quest
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Murgh's End 1670 556 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 20 20 Quest
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Stamped Titanium Sword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 22 22 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Razor Sharp Great Katana Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 26 26 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Curved Steel Greatsword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 10 10 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Glacian Revengeance 1921 640 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 22-23 23 Quest
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Deprecate Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 6 20
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Deprecate Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 12 30
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Mammodin Hoof Grip Greatsword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 17 17 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Marauder's Greatsword 1085 361 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 11 13
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Greatsword of Devotion 99 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 1 1
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Able Mechanic Power Sword 2923 974 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 30 35 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword sword1h 0001.36 ArctArms Disruptive Beamsword 2589 863 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 31 31 Vendor
Icon itemweapon 2h sword 01.36 Heartshatter 1141 3424 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 35 41 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Deprecate Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 30 29
Icon itemweaponsword ui item greatsword 001.36 Deprecate Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 30 29
Icon itemweaponsword sword1h 0001.36 Crystal Edged Iron Greatsword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 9 9 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Epsilon Deathbringer's Shredder 974 2923 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 35 35 Vendor
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0004.36 Dagun Skull Handle Greatsword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 11 11 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Huge Splintered Loftite Shard Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 14 14 Drop Vendor Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 NebMAM Shock Infantry Sword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 15 15 Drop Vendor Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Mammodin Hoof Grip Greatsword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 17 17 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword1h 0001.36 Modest Ultraplate Edge Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 30 30 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Stamped Titanium Sword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 22 22 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0003.36 Improved Manaplate Shredder Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 49 49 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0003.36 Skeledroid Spine 1002 334 Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 12 12
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Platinum-Core Machete Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 33 33 Drop
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Titanium-Alloy Greatsword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 23 23 Drop Container
Icon itemweaponsword sword2h 0002.36 Platinum Inlaid Sacred Sword Weapon - Greatsword Primary Weapon 27 27 Drop Container
Showing 1 to 50 of 250 entries