Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Eye of the Stormgod
Effective Level: 24
Required Level: 1
Required Level: 1
Bind on pickup
Unique Equipped
Unique Equipped
2004 Assault Rating
668 Support Rating
+ 3
Rune Slots
668 Support Rating
The tree that does not bend with the wind will be broken by the wind.

IMBUEMENT: Tempest Pests
Kill Blade-Wind the Invoker in Stormtalon's Lair +33.75 Strikethrough Rating IMBUEMENT: Clearing the Air
Kill Aethros in Stormtalon's Lair IMBUEMENT: Taking by Storm
Kill Stormtalon Special: Electrical Surge +33.75 Vigor Rating
Kill Blade-Wind the Invoker in Stormtalon's Lair +33.75 Strikethrough Rating IMBUEMENT: Clearing the Air
Kill Aethros in Stormtalon's Lair IMBUEMENT: Taking by Storm
Kill Stormtalon Special: Electrical Surge +33.75 Vigor Rating
Sell for: 36s 28c