Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Experienced Dungeon Runner's Keen Casque
Armor - Heavy - Head
Effective Level: 78
Required Level: 50
Required Level: 50
Bind on pickup
280 Assault Rating
1488 Armor
4680 Max Health
1488 Armor
4680 Max Health
139 Critical Hit Severity Rating
104 Critical Hit Rating
104 Vigor Rating
+ 3 to 4
Rune Slots
104 Critical Hit Rating
104 Vigor Rating
You must complete:\nSanctuary of the Swordmaiden\nVeteran Stormtalon's Lair\nVeteran Kel Voreth\nVeteran Skullcano

Sell for: 3g 42s 22c