Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!
[This hand-written scroll contains a blunt assessment on which alien species make the best slaves for Osun purposes.]
Wretched fleshlings. Versatile. Smart. Serve better when dumbed down. Good basic combatants for the pits.
Mighty. Worthy! Many have died in the pits. Many more will be slaughtered before we are through.
Strong. Tough! Many are also dead in the pits, but many and more survive. Soon we must test them against a true Osun warrior!
Little more than vermin. But hardy vermin. Climbers. Hunters. Useful vermin. Many survive in the pits for longer than expected.
Abominations! Hard to kill - until their goo runs out. Then they turn savage. Very messy when they die in the pits. THEN they get even more interesting...
To turn the makers greatest tool against their favored children is to return Osun honor! Watch them torn apart in the pits!
Good cannon fodder. Good for retrieving items from small holes. Good to eat. Roasted on spit is the best. Season with heart of fiera flower and salt. Entertaining in the pits - they are fast as Aurin, and clever as jabbits.
Same as Chua, but add root vegetables to skewer. Nearly worthless in the pits, save the one called the Marshal.
Stringy, but flexible. Accurate. Seem at home in the pits.
Durable. Stupid even before the Rot. Smell of old food. Very hard to kill, they last long in the pits.
Look like Chua, but not as meaty. Can float. More powerful than they look. Some resist the Rot. Take great pleasure in killing in the pits, but some escape. Unacceptable.
Little. Blue. Different. Will fight anything. Will eat anything. Surprisingly cunning, last longer in pits than expected.
Wretched fleshlings. Versatile. Smart. Serve better when dumbed down. Good basic combatants for the pits.
Mighty. Worthy! Many have died in the pits. Many more will be slaughtered before we are through.
Strong. Tough! Many are also dead in the pits, but many and more survive. Soon we must test them against a true Osun warrior!
Little more than vermin. But hardy vermin. Climbers. Hunters. Useful vermin. Many survive in the pits for longer than expected.
Abominations! Hard to kill - until their goo runs out. Then they turn savage. Very messy when they die in the pits. THEN they get even more interesting...
To turn the makers greatest tool against their favored children is to return Osun honor! Watch them torn apart in the pits!
Good cannon fodder. Good for retrieving items from small holes. Good to eat. Roasted on spit is the best. Season with heart of fiera flower and salt. Entertaining in the pits - they are fast as Aurin, and clever as jabbits.
Same as Chua, but add root vegetables to skewer. Nearly worthless in the pits, save the one called the Marshal.
Stringy, but flexible. Accurate. Seem at home in the pits.
Durable. Stupid even before the Rot. Smell of old food. Very hard to kill, they last long in the pits.
Look like Chua, but not as meaty. Can float. More powerful than they look. Some resist the Rot. Take great pleasure in killing in the pits, but some escape. Unacceptable.
Little. Blue. Different. Will fight anything. Will eat anything. Surprisingly cunning, last longer in pits than expected.
Forgemaster Trogun
To Auroria
Slavemaster Drokk
The Blood Pit
Grond the Corpsemaker
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