Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Objective: Collect the Cankershrooms that grow on the giant cankertube bunch before time runs out

Cankertube Swamp

The Keeper's Sanctuary

Grove of Hope

The Nursery

Scorchwing's Landing

Nursery Trading Post

Titian Collective

Aurelian Enclave

Uncanny Advance

Perilous Annex

Green Quadrant

Blue Quadrant

Yellow Quadrant

Red Quadrant

Cankertube Swamp

The Keeper's Sanctuary

Grove of Hope

The Nursery

Scorchwing's Landing

Nursery Trading Post

Titian Collective

Aurelian Enclave

Uncanny Advance

Perilous Annex

Green Quadrant

Blue Quadrant

Yellow Quadrant

Red Quadrant

wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
0coldwinter18 wrote 11 years ago (in launch)The secret is to start from the top of the "tree"
0Glowyrm wrote 11 years ago (in launch)Even then it was hard as heck, I was taking a ton of fall damage and agroing those elite bird mobs on the way down. If the timer was a little looser it would be OK but you have to rush with such a short timer. I was hoping there was something more to it than just start from the top but I did prepare myself for finally hearing that was it. I got to the top by letting the giant Globellum ball shoot me into the air and landing near the top then making a jump or 2 to get to the pinnacle. You can get bronze just from the top pile of shrooms alone. I was just abou to get silver after dropping down just once to the next level where I saw shrooms but like I said, the fall took me down to 25% HP and the elite bird finished me off quickly.
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